The Wolf Man (1941)

This was definitely an era of pretty cheesy horror films. There is very little that is scary about this one, and the transformations are nothing new. I was much more impressed with the ones in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

It was interesting to me to see that this was the same leading actor that was in the Abbott and Costello film (I'm sure Lon Chaney Jr. was in this one first). Makes me think slightly higher of the Abbott and Costello movie if anything. It would be like Scary Movie actually getting the real Freddy or Jason in their film.

Back to this movie, Bela Lugosi, Evelyn Ankers, and Lon Chaney Jr. were all actually pretty good, but I just wasn't thrilled about this one. It seems like it has been redone enough that a newer version would be more worth watching. I'll have to check out The Wolfman, which came out earlier this year.

The cast gets a just average, the slow and dull plot development gets an avoid watching...

Vote: 6/10

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