Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931)

The classic story of the doctor who takes the potion to become someone else. I never really understood why Dr. Jekyll wanted to be come Mr. Hyde. This was explained very well in the doctor's dissertation at the beginning of the film.

He felt that there was good and evil in everyone, and that he could split these personalities into two. Then he could remove the "evil" one.... he wasn't very clear on how he was going to conquer the evil side. So you can guess were this is going to go...

Fredric March does a fantastic job with the part. For a film made in 1931 the cinematic effects and makeup are really good. For an 80 year old film, this was actually pretty good.

I would suggest it to those looking for some good classics.

Vote: 7/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0022835/

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