The Unborn (2009)

Starring Odette Yustman and featuring Gary Oldman as a Rabbi... yeah, a Rabbi. The premise of the film is that Odette's character killed her brother while they were both still in their mother's womb (her umbilical cord strangled him). The brother now wants to be born and has haunting her.

The film uses a lot of scare tactics. Unnecessary events that make the audience jump... cheap effects. It also uses effects stolen from The Grudge, you know, the twisted limb thing were people walk like spiders with an arched back and head twisted 180 degrees.

Somehow this haunting is all the Nazi's fault and she needs a exorcism. Oops... maybe I just ruined it for you, but you should avoid this one anyways. The story is bs and the acting isn't much better. One of those reviews I've been putting off because I couldn't think of anything nice to say.

Vote: 4/10

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