The Curse of Frankenstein (1957)

The biggest surprise of horror month for me. I never expected to enjoy a Frankenstein remake so much. I learned a lot researching this movie after watching it.

First off, the horror genre was pretty much dead when it came out (no pun intended). People just weren't making them and it was kind of assumed that the vampire, werewolf, monster movies had already been tried and warn out. Not only was this movie full of vibrant colors, but also completely re-wrote the story. Frankenstein is assembled piece-by-piece, he is created in a vat of liquid (probably the motivation behind The Rocky Horror Picture Show's creature.

This film really revived the genre, and Terence Fisher had so much success directing this one that he make another remake the next year (Dracula) with the same stars Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing.

I highly suggest this as a classic horror film. It is old but color, the same story but very original at the same time. Just an easy and fun watch.

Vote: 8/10

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