Private Benjamin (1980)

Directed by and starring Goldie Hawn winner of an Oscar for Best Actress, nominated for two more as well as a Gold Globe nomination. This inclusion on the AFI 100 Laughs was a no-brainer.

The film is about a girl who has never fended for herself. Married twice and from a wealthy upbringing, when she has a complete emotional breakdown she turns to the military for a change. Unaware of what she is getting her self into and growing as a person the film was actually quite enjoyable through basic training and the first 45 minutes.

Her reassignment and build up to a 3rd fiance was almost unwatchable though. With incredibly annoying hair that seemed to grow a life of its own through the movie. A plot that seemed to run out of steam and lack excitement. I didn't really laugh at this movie. I'm not surprised that I didn't like it, I am surprised that I did like a portion of it.

It had some redeeming qualities but I wouldn't suggest this film.

Vote: 4/10

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