Cavalcade (1933)

The vast majority of Oscar winners I was able to find with a netflix subscription several years ago, but there were a few that were nearly impossible to get ahold of. The only way I was able to find this one was to order the DVD on ebay from a Korean company that had made a dvd from an old VHS. To this date it is still not on dvd but can be found if you really try.

Unless you are obsessive about finishing lists, you probably should just leave this as one of the ones you never got a chance to see because it wasn't convenient [I now have a copy I'd be happy to give you].  

I really can't tell you what the film is about, because for the most part it isn't really about anything substantial. A family tragedy film is the best way to describe it, by definition a cavalcade is a procession of dramatic events. A mother has two sons, the oldest goes on his honeymoon traveling on the Titanic. You can guess what happens... but then again you have to guess because we never see the ship go down and it isn't like there weren't some survivors. The younger son and father both go off to war, we get some glimpses of soldiers marching and random battlefields during World War I, but again we don't actually see the tragic events.

I'd have to say this is really something of an anti-war drama, but it is really hard to say. The audio was horrible, grainy and muffled, what you can expect from a bootleg DVD with a VHS source. There is a reason no one is pushing for this one to get a cleaned up release. Easily the worst Oscar winner I've seen so far.

Vote: 3/10

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