Attack (1956)

Jack Palance is well known in Hollywood for playing a good villian. Throughout the 50's and 60's he played numerous roles as bad guys in western and war films. Interesting though that two of his most notable films he plays a hero [this one] and a good guy in a comedy [Curly in City Slickers].

What an emotional performance, Palance plays Lieutenant Joe Costa who sends men into battle with the agreement from Captain Cooney [Eddie Albert] that backup would be coming. When Cooney chickens out the entire team is mowed down by the Germans. The film is less of a battle between the Americans and Germans in World War II, and more of a battle between a good soldier and a crazy captain.

Not only is this a good war film, but it is finally a war film I was hoping to watch. Battles, heroes, gun fight, snipers, bad leaders, politics, etc. I've been getting melodrama and historical political breakdowns instead most of the month. This is what I wanted and I was very happy to get some good performances from Palance and Albert, if you want a good war classic that is under two hours you need to see this one.

Vote: 8/10

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