Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)

For the sake of catching up on reviews I'll keep this short. This film seemed like a good movie for a war buff. Someone that likes to know exactly what the politics were behind an attack. The exact sequence of events, the views from both sides.

The film is about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, it is in the brink of epic in run length with a two and a half hour run time including an intermission. The interesting thing is that there really isn't a "main" character. Many sides of the conflict are shown from pilot, to seaman, to commander-in-chief. It is slightly cruel to say that the film didn't have much "heart" or emotion, but I couldn't get into it. I felt like I was watching the history channel and was kinda bored.

Now, I will say that the "pre" intermission half of the film is for the film buffs, but the "post" intermission half is a recreation of the attack. It is quite exciting and action packed. The sequences are amazing at times, Michael Bay must have watched this film growing up because the explosions are almost constant.

It won an Oscar for best visual effects, I didn't love it, but it was much better than Pearl Harbor (2001).

Vote: 6/10

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