The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)

I can honestly say that I had completely forgotten this was a Coen Brothers movie until the end credits began to roll. The movie was simple, interesting, a rare modern black and white film.

The film is narrated by the main character Billy Bob Thornton as he seems to giving an account of a period of his life. Thorton plays Ed Crane, a simple barber, with an extroverted wife, Doris Crane, played by Frances McDormand. James Gandolfini plays Doris's boss that appears to be having an affair with Doris.

The plot is slow by thoughtful. You are drawn into wanting to help Ed with his next move. Ed says little to nothing when interacting with people, the opposite of Thorton's usually overspoken and crude roles. Scarlett Johansson annoys me yet again in a role as a nieve (if not stupid) young girl that Ed if friends with.

The movie actually captured a number of nominations, largely in part due to Thorton's fantastic work. The movie is wholly centered around him and he really delivers.

Definitely worth a watch. Good film if you like black-and-white movies.

Vote: 8/10

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