The Informant! (2009)

I heard a lot of bad things about this movie before watching it, and it definitely delayed me getting around to watching it. I was told it was boring and long. So first off, it isn't not long. 1 hour 48 minutes means a run time minus credits and intro of about 1 hour and 40 minutes. Just right for a comedy.

Boring? Well yeah, at first it was... the movie is about a whistle blower. The first 20-30 minutes is all about him working with the FBI and building up the evidence. The comedy is dry at times, and really in just how ridiculous this individual is.

I applaud Matt Damon's performance. The film was highly driven by his acting abilities. I'm sure it is not a film for everyone, but I can agree with the Globe nominations he received. If you watch a lot of movies check this one out. It can be a risk though.

Vote: 8/10

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