The Milk of Sorrow: La teta asustada (2009)

The potato girl movie! This has to be the strangest movie I have seen in a very very long time. It takes place in Peru, and starts with a mother lamenting on her death bed about a horrendous experience. She is singing this song about how she was forced to watch terrorists murder her husband then force her to eat his dead penis. Yes she is singing this...

So the story of the Milk of Sorrow is that she was pregnant at the time and her misery was transferred to her daughter through her breast milk. the townspeople treated this girl as tainted and her mother created such fear in her that she is afraid to walk across the street. So here is where it gets strange. She has to be rushed to the hospital because she has a potato growing in her and damaging her private parts. She apparently is so afraid of getting raped that she intentionally uses one as a contraceptive to deter a potential rapist.

There really isn't much storyline other than this. She takes a job for a wealthy women who we never really learn much about. We are subjected to a local wedding that has little to nothing to do with the storyline. I just couldn't get over the disturbing opening. There was so little going on in this movie. It was just horrible. I used the international movie poster rather than the American released one to remind myself of the strange potato girl if I happen across this review in my archive someday.

I doubt you planned on watching this one, better to have never heard about it.

Vote: 1/10

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