Burma VJ: Reporting from a Closed Country (2009)

A gripping story about undercover reporters in Burma who risk their lives attempting to make the world aware of their suffering. Journalism is illegal in Burma, and government agents are undercover all over the cities ready to arrest anyone taking pictures of shooting film.

The narrator of this film is the main character as well. We follow him around as he films a monk uprising. He then goes into hiding in Singapore were he is sent video by his fellow colleagues in the field. He then edits the video, and sends it out over satellite to friends in Denmark who distribute the content to the BBC and other networks.

The film is exciting, sad, and inspiring. Following this uprising and the governments retaliation will make you fume with anger. It is hard to believe this is still going on today. An Oscar nominee with an important message, I was sorry to see this one overlooked because of other great documentaries in 2009 [e.g. The Cove and Food, Inc.]

Check this one out and read a little about the current state of Burma.

Vote: 8/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1333634/

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