Scarface: The Shame of a Nation (1932)

Yay! The last film for me to complete the American Film Institute's 10Top10 list released in 2008. A gangster film that I had to buy on ebay to get my hands on, and the back cover of the dvd is in Korean.

The sad thing is that I had really high hopes for this one and it was just not that exciting. Paul Muni plays Tony, a character you are likely familiar with if you have seen the modern day remake (which is much much better). The opening of the film has the director posting dialog about how we should condemn these actions and support the police force in preventing these actions in the future. The film then goes on to glorify and glamorize the gangster lifestyle, which was all very confusing.

There were only a few good one liners and the action sequences were not as action packed as I hoped for, movies like Public Enemy and others on the AFI Gangster list were better. Not much more to say than pass on this one and watch the modern one twice.

Vote: 4/10

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