Pumping Iron (1977)

The Arnold Schwarzenegger body building documentary was the 6th film in my attempt to watch the ESPN Top 10 Sports Documentaries. This is by far the creepiest film on the list, and one of the strangest I've seen in a while.

Arnold has some very interesting quotes in this film about equating working out to an orgasm. Smoking pot. Deliberately giving fellow competitors bad advice. Good thing he is in politics now... or does this just explain why that career move was a good choice.

The look into the lives of the people he is competing against just goes to show you how many people have different motivations in life. There are some very colorful people in these competitions, most of which have some sort of inferiority complex, are dim witted, or are quite full of themselves. I wouldn't say this to any of their faces though...

With 70's porn music playing in the background while oiled up guys in Speedo's flexed their muscles it definitely made me a little uncomfortable to watch. The most interesting thing about the film to me was when they panned over the audience during the competition. What kind of people go and watch these? Middle aged women? Aspiring body builders? Friends/Family? Guys questioning their sexuality?

Interesting look at an interesting demographic, Pumping Iron II is about lady body builders, maybe I'll check it out to see if they are just as colorful.

Vote: 7/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076578/

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