Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009)

To think I just about skipped this film... it gave me what Up could not. The great think about this movie is that you understand that it is fantasy right off the bat. Maybe that sounds silly when talking about an animated film, but I think in the age of CGI and Pixar films there is a tendancy to make everything somewhat plausible. Not plausible when it comes to talking animals, but in physics and adult content, you know the adult jokes that are still funny for kids even though they don't really get the double meaning.

I found myself laughing out loud more than a few times, as the crackpot inventor ran around his lab working on his inventions. The funniest to me was him explaining his actions as he threw things together "welding! painting! sanding! powering!"

This was a very cute movie about an inventor trying to do something BIG. Kids loved this film and adults can actually be a kid and not hunt for attempted double meanings.

Vote: 9/10

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