Before Night Falls (2000)

This is a film that follows the life of Reinaldo Arenas played by Javier Bardem (No Country for Old Men) who was born in 1943 in Cuba to a very poor family. It goes through his childhood quickly and focuses on his life as a writer.

He is an openly gay individual and if you though Brokeback Mountain and Milk were hard to watch then you will have a lot of trouble getting through this one.

The communist party in Cuba does not like homosexuals and through his anti-Communist writings and publishing's he is sent to jail where he meets a cross-dressing Johnny Depp in the role of Bon Bon. Who manages to smuggle an entire book for Arenas in portions through his anal cavity... yuck.

Arenas eventually escapes to America and continues to write and speak out against the Cuban government, until his eventual death (from AIDS).

It is a pretty good story, Bardem was a little early with this movie when it comes to acceptance of gay films. This is probably why it was not up for any awards. It had some scenes I really could have done without. You don't have to prove people are straight by showing sex scenes, why do you have to do this for gay people in film now?

Vote: 6/10

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