The film stars Lillian Gish, Griffith's muse, an actress that I've seen WAY too much of over the last two years. I just don't find her attractive, so the damsel in distress and pretty star character doesn't fit for me.
Griffith does his best to piss off and make fun of just about everyone, Blacks in Birth of a Nation, and the French here. The film takes place at the start of the French revolution and shows the aristocratic luxurious lifestyle in contrast with the beggers and laborers. Gish winds up with a blind sister through very complicated means, and when taking her to town to try and find a suitor she is kidnapped.
Using the French revolution as a means of her escape and lovers exile, the plot is overly complicated and cheesy, no surprise really. This is a typical Griffith film with a two and a half hour run time. You might just forget you ever heard of it.
Vote: 5/10
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