Phantasm (1979)

With the release of Steven Jay Schneider's 101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die I have a new goal for Horror Month. With so much to watch I gave Horror Month an extension, making it about 6 weeks.

Sadly, this one was not necessarily the best one to start with. Overall the 70's weren't exactly the best era of horror film. With easy access to color camera amateur filmmakers never looked more like amateurs.

Made on a budget of just $300k, this MIDI filled horror film teetered on fantasy. With flying spiked balls, undead midgets, black holes to another dimension, and "The Tall Man," I can see how this had nostalgic value to a generation. I'm sure those that remember this film and enjoyed it as a kid would re-watch it and wonder how the hell they thought it was good.

Look out, they made sequels...

Vote: 5/10

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