Saw VI (2009)

This series has gotten so incredibly bad. It is a joke now to talk about this series, which is actually really sad because the original, and only the first, was really really good. Much like the Friday the 13th and original Halloween series it takes several detours before they bring it back to the original killer.

The problem is that the quality of acting, reliance on previous films to understand the storyline [who on earth remembers what happened in Saw IV or Saw V?], and the lack of progression and repetitive storyline make this a good candidate for a tv series.

Seriously, this could easily be converted into 40 minute episodes and the 2nd-6th film (7th later this month) would make 10 episodes. Why they made Costas Mandylor a star is beyond me. If you haven't watched since the first movie in this series you aren't missing anything.

Vote: 4/10

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