The 39 Steps (1935)

It is always a treat to get to another Alfred Hitchcock film. This one, one of his earlier works, is probably one of his best from his first 15 years as a director. Starring Robert Donat the running question throughout the film is "What are the 39 Steps?"

The general plot of the film is that a spy is killed and Donat is on the run after being falsely accused. The action scenes were kind of ironic to me. In modern films we seem to focus on slow-motion, in this film... something I've seen in other films of this generation... they actually speed up the film to simulate action. Kinda funny, and pretty silly looking. Maybe we'll say that about slow-motion in 50 years.

I definitely felt duped in retrospect, a fantastic ability of Hitchcock, and one of the reasons I love his works. It isn't one of his top 5 films, but it is still very very good.

Vote: 8/10

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