Ball of Fire (1941)

Gary Cooper plays a historian with the job of creating a complete encyclopedia. With the help of 6 little old men they work day and night in the study/library of the mansion of the publisher. When Cooper can't communicate with the milkman because he doesn't know slang he begins the task of cataloging all dialects of English slang.

He goes to a night club and meets Barbara Stanwyck's character. He invites her to a round table discussion at the mansion, which she initially refuses. After the mob tries to hide her she buddies up with Cooper and the 6 old men.

The slang is painfully annoying to me at times, and the general plot is slow and boring for the first 1/2. The end of the movie picks up and has a good ending. But it didn't recover from boring me to death to suggest it to anyone. Another dud on the AFI 100 Laughs, can't say I'm really surprised.

Vote: 5/10

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