Splice (2009)

Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley star in a film that has been mislabeled as a horror film. This is actually a science fiction film about gene splicing.

Brody and Polley work in a lab splicing genes and creating some pretty interesting looking creatures in attempts to create vaccines for humans. When they start talking about using human genes their project gets canned. They start working in the lab basement and at home, probably all incredibly illegal to begin with... when they actually create a creature from human genes things start to get really messy.

I hate to say more than this, because the best part of the film is seeing what happens in their development. Polley does a great job of acting like a crazy mother and the film starts to take some strange turns. Just not one of my favorite sci-fi films. Rated just after The Box, it is hard to explain why I would watch that one again before this one. Maybe because the story was more original. This one just seemed too cookie cutter and the plot was basic and predictable.

Left open for a sequel, which frustrates me even more, because it tells me money was always a goal, not quality.

Vote: 5/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1017460/

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