The Miracle of Morgan's Creek (1944)

Betty Hutton plays Trudy, a naive girl who, against her dad's permission, decides to go to a party to send off the troops. She uses Norval (Eddie Bracken) as the fall guy when she tells her dad they are going to the movies. She borrows his car, gets drunk, gets married, impregnated, then drives drunk to pick up Norval. How is that for a racy plot?

Not something I expected from a 1940's movie on the AFI 100 laughs. Trudy makes poor Norval take the fall for all of her wrong doings and this slapstick comedy is far from worth watching. It also has several of those really obnoxious scenes from early cinema where dozens of people are crammed on a small set and that is supposed to be funny. Including one with people point guns with a crowd around.

Not good, don't see why anyone would think it was.

Vote: 5/10

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