Iron Man 2 (2010)

Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow did so well with the first film that all of Hollywood wanted in. Samuel L. Jackson will take any minor role, Scarlett Johansson plays an obvious double agent (because she needs a complicated script to compensate for lack of acting ability), Don Cheadle plays another good guy cop. Mickey Rourke turned in a pretty darn good performance as Iron Man's nemesis Ivan Vanko.

I think the film took a lot of heat because the first one exceeded so many people's expectations. They then had false expectations for this film and gave it a hard time. Hard also when The Dark Knight shows what a sequel can really achieve. All in all it was a pretty good continuation of the storyline. Good action, more character development, and good acting from the stars.

I was entertained and think if you liked the first you should like this one also.

Vote: 8/10

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