Man Bites Dog: C'est arrivé près de chez vous (1992)

A very interest mix of genres here. This is a horror comedy documentary. What? Ok, so the film is about a serial killer, who has a camera crew following him around making a documentary. You would really call this a mockumentary, since it is a comedy about making documentaries.

The crew asks few questions of the serial killer, who runs the show. He discusses how he picks his victims, he screws up and yet has little to no trouble fixing them, usually comedic-ally getting the crew involved in the murders.

There are some funny scenes, like discussing how much he needs to weigh different types of bodies when throwing them into a ravine. They encounter another serial killer with his camera crew and fight it out. Crew members get accidentally shot.

It is a very dark comedy, and I'm not sure all jokes translated from French to English well. It was just ok to me, maybe because I've already seen a couple serial killer movies this year. It was a little boring. Not bad overall though, especially for horror month.

Vote: 6/10

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