GasLand (2010)

Winner of the Special Jury Prize for Best Documentary at the Sundance Film Festival and nominated for an Oscar. Having seen 3 of the 5 documentaries they year I'm willing to gamble and say that this is my pick for the Oscar. Maybe not to win, but it was my favorite.

The film is a look at the unregulated natural gas drilling that is happening all over America. It is ruining stream water, American's well water, and important to me... it creates more pollution that vehicle emissions in my Metroplex.

As a Fort Worth resident it is chilling to see just how much drilling is going on in my own backyard. I now know what the big pool of green water next to the drill a half mile from my home is. It is a way for the gas company to allow toxic chemicals to evaporate into the air... completely unregulated. It is no surprise that the Dallas/Ft.Worth Metroplex is now home to cities with the highest rates of cancer.

The most important documentary of the year, if I can suggest a single film for residents of my community to see it is this one.

Vote: 10/10

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