Nine to Five (1980)

Yay! The last movie of the AFI 100 Laughs, #74 is a film starring
Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, and Dolly Parton. The three play co-workers who share the same boss. A boss who just hired Fonda, treats Tomlin like a maid, and sexually harasses his secretary Parton.

After an office altercation between Mr. Hart and Tomlin's character, the three go out for drinks. They discuss how they would kill their boss in joking comical text, and the next day when Tomlin [thinks she] poison's Mr. Hart, the film gets slapstick.

Running around with a dead body. Kidnapping. Threatening with a deadly weapon. Blackmail. All are treated with humor in a film about Women's Rights in the work place. I'm sure 30 years ago it would have seemed a little more relevant and entertaining, but I really didn't like it much. Another list inclusion that shows the American Film Institute and I have differing comedic tastes.

Vote: 5/10

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