Under Our Skin (2008)

This one made the documentary short list last year for the Oscar but ended up getting cut from the nominees. Since last year was so strong with Food, Inc.and The Cove. I ventured into some of the other short listed films.

A documentary about Lyme Disease, and the issues those that have it are facing. It takes a personal approach following the life of a 20-something (the girl on the poster) who is suffering from the disease. We follow her as she goes through treatment while trying to maintain a normal life. The problem with a documentary like this is that it gets to personal on a single individual and you lose the big picture. We are trying to showcase just how many people are going through this, yet the events we attend show the same few over and over.

It does however do a great job bringing to light all the issues with the medical field, the doctors that are attacked for trying to treat patients, and the insurance companies that manage to dodge treatment costs. It has redeeming qualities, and since a friend of a friend of a friend is going dealing with the disease I wanted a little more insight. Now the one issue I really had with this documentary was the mother who knew that having a child would mean passing the disease along. Having already gone through the death of a child she tries again and again. I might understand if she didn't already have a healthy child, wanting to have a child yourself... but how is this better than having a kid when you know you have AIDS. Just adopt! It seemed very selfish bringing a child into the world when you know they will have a disease.

Vote: 6/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1202579/

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