The Basketball Diaries (1995)

Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg star in a mid-90's film will little to do about sports, and a lot to do with teenage drug usage. I think I would have liked this a lot more if I would have watched it when in high school.

Jim [DiCaprio] and Mickey [Mark] are best friends and play on the high school basketball team together. They go to Catholic school and roam the streets on New York at night. They start with drinking and smoking and daring each other to jump off cliffs into the river, but this eventually leads to then getting mixed up in heroic in crack. Both characters go over the edge, start robbing stores and living on the streets.

A teenage angst film that I'm afraid I've outgrow. I'm afraid to watch  The Beach again, a movie I gave a 10 in high school, and that I fear I would not feel the same about today.

Vote: 5/10

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