Nowhere in Africa: Nirgendwo in Afrika (2001)

The best film I have seen in a little while, and a good example of why it it worth checking out older foreign films. This story is very complex and has many elements that make it worth watching. I like a film that takes a while to explain the plot to someone. An Oscar winner, and one that is on a number of my top movie lists... as it should be.

The film is about a Jewish family that leaves everything they own behind and move to Africa. Wealthy in Germany as a lawyer the husband is the first to leave and goes to manage a farm. He then sends for his wife and daughter but comes down with malaria. He requests that his wife bring some essentials and leave behind the china and expensive clothing. Instead she brings all things unnecessary and spends her money on a dress in the train station. Their love is constantly tested throughout the film in a very realistic fashion, how many people would love each other in a completely different environment? She constantly questions his decision to move to African until they learn of what is happening to the Jews back home.

This is a good example of a "perfect" Oscar film one would say. The committee is older and loves WWII centric films, but I say a good film is a good film. I welcomed the subject matter and felt the film had less to do with WWII and more to do with relationships. I highly recommend this German subtitled film, and expect I'll watch it again some day.

Vote: 9/10

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