Never Let Me Go (2010)

This is a "kinda" interesting film independently released in Britain with a number of stars you should know. It seems like a film for the MTV generation and was nominated for 5 Saturn awards winning one. Directed by Mark Romanek who is better known for his music videos, like Nine Inch Nails "Closer" and "The Perfect Drug" or Madonna "Rain" or Michael Jackson "Scream."

Starring Carey Mulligan, Andrew Garfield, Keira Knightley, and Sally Hawkins, the film is science fiction based but in reality is a romantic drama. The film starts by explaining how life expectancies continue to rise thanks to medial advances. We then go to a school in the middle of the country were children are given strict diets, sheltered, and have their vitals constantly monitored. We get the feeling they are being protected for some sort of experiment, honestly I thought this was an attempt to see just how old they would get when sheltered. We learn that they are protected so that their vital organs can be given to others when they get older.

The science fiction pretty much stops there and we are left with a pretty boring romantic love triangle. Garfield won the Saturn for his supporting actor performance, one I'm sure meant less to him than his Golden Globe nomination for The Social Network, and I think he should have seen an Oscar nomination instead John Hawkes. That is enough of a tangent though.

Almost a 6 for me, just average... but I also felt like it was a waste of time.

Vote: 5/10

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