Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives: Loong Boonmee raleuk chat (2010)

Not a pretentious film, but one that is embraced by pretentious people. I've read reviews with lines like, "Though not for everyone, it is a must see for anyone who treasures cinema." So... since this film made no sense to me don't know how to treasure cinema?

A film make in Thailand, spoken in Thai, and the country's submission to the Oscar Foreign Film committee for awards consideration. Winner of the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival and The Best Film in Thailand. It is critically acclaimed in Asia, and probably would be a pretty good film if I understood Thai culture and was also Buddist.

But I'm not, and the film... which centers around Boonme, who is dying of what I believe is Kidney failure. There seems to be some form of dialysis or just emptying of his kidney's, but it is pretty clear he is about to die. While on his deathbed [figuratively, because he is still able to get around with some assistance], he recalls his childhood, past lives, and speaks with ghosts of loved ones who have passed.

I've read a lot about this film since, trying to understand it. The problem is that it is both hard to follow and full of metaphors. So there are scenes were a monk showers and puts on street cloths and this is supposed to be a metaphor about Thai society and so forth. Oh yeah, and the catfish performing oral sex on the princess was bizarre enough to make me tell everyone to avoid this one. If you want a bizarre foreign film check out: Dogtooth.

Vote: 2/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1588895/

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