No Man's Land (2001)

Like Nowhere in African I watch this foreign Oscar winner while watching all Oscar winner for the last decade. I've seen in on several Top 100 foreign film lists as well as in the 1001 Movies to See Before You Die book. I understood the premise but I was fairly disappointed.

Several years ago I watched a film called Joyeux Noel, a foreign film based on true events were troops in the middle of the war met from both sides of enemy lines on Christmas. They spent the following day burying their dead before continuing the war. Very interesting. This film however lacked the dialogue and drama I was hoping for.

When new troops get lost in the fog they find themselves in the middle of the battle in the morning. Only one man survives the initial attack after they realize their horrible location. The other side sends several men to see if their are any survivors and the two men on the movie poster here end up stuck in the middle. They call in UN forces to diffuse the situation and the movie becomes very political.

I found this film to not be as "deep" as I had hoped the men didn't do more than say "you started the war!", "no, you started the war!" back and worth. Skip this one.

Vote: 5/10

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